Identify your properties
I'm a landowner.
Can I use BUPi to
identify my properties?
identify my properties?
Check here the list of municipalities where BUPi is already available.

You can now quickly locate your
properties in that municipality.
Not yet
The municipality you selected has not yet joined BUPi or is in the process of joining. Check our website regularly and be the first to know when this process begins.
Last update: dd/mm/aaaa
The municipality you selected already has a land registry. You will soon be able to register your lands for free. Check this page and our website regularly and be the first to know when this process begins.
Last update: dd/mm/aaaa
The municipality you selected already has land registry of rural properties but the existing elements are not yet vectorized. You can register for free soon. Check this page and our website regularly and be the first to know when this process begins.
Last update: dd/mm/aaaa
See the information available here:
Where can I identify my properties?
Here or at a counter
Here or at a counter
Identify your properties online quickly
To start online, you need to have your Portuguese Citizen Card or Digital Mobile Key (CMD) with you and gather all the documentation about your property:
Mandatory documents:
- Citizen Card (or ID and Fiscal Number);
- Caderneta predial (description of the property – issued by the Portuguese Tax Authority) with the property record numbers or information available at Portal das Finanças (Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority Portal).
Optional documents:
- If the promoter has already made a prior survey, he must take the GPS coordinates file with him;
- Document proving ownership rights, if any;
- Document that proves the promoter’s legitimacy to initiate the RGG process, if necessary.
The benefits of doing it here
Avoid traveling to a service counter and start your process online for free.
It is very simple, using the Online Platform you only have to follow these 4 steps:
How to identify your properties
The process is quite simple. Just fill out the form and choose one of two options to identify your properties:
Draw the limits of your property on the platform
Suitable for landowners who can recognize the location and format of their properties on a map. If this is your case, just start drawing.
If you need personalized assistance to locate and design your property, visite BUPi’s service counter at the City Hall where your property is located. See the BUPi service desks here.
Upload a file
Suitable for landowners who have done a topographic survey on the ground or using a drawing tool on digital maps, whose files are in the following accepted formats (GPX, KML, TopoJSON or Shapefile with the extension *.zip).
If this is your case, just upload the files from the ‘drawing tool’.
To identify your property
With BUPi there are no costs associated with identifying and locating your property boundaries.
About the free registration
Law no. 78/2017, of August 17th, created the Simplified Land Digital Registry and extended the possibility for all landowners to register their rustic land free of charge, whatever their geographic location.
Exemption from fees associated with registration is ensured until December 31, 2025.
Check here the free registration end date in your municipality.
Data de término
For secure authentication
You can start your online process and securely authenticate in two ways: if you choose to authenticate with the Portuguese Citizen Card, you must have the PIN code in addition to the identification document; if you choose to authenticate with the Digital Mobile Key (CMD), you must have the associated mobile phone with you when you first activated it and the PIN number you chose when activating.
To identify your property on the digital map
To validate your online processes, you must also have the caderneta predial (document from the Portuguese Tax Authority that describes the property) with the property record numbers to be associated with the design of the identified property or the file created through a topographic survey on site.
Why register your properties?
Registration protects what’s yours
Your rights as landowner are only guaranteed with the registration of your land at the land registry office. Having properties registered at the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority does not guarantee their ownership. For your registration to be free, you must present the geolocation of your property, by designing its boundaries before making the registration.