To promote the registration in the land register of a rustic property, located in municipalities that are not controlled by the Land Registry Office and where the Simplified Cadastral Information System is already in force, you will have to go to a BUPi counter to confirm the RGG of the property, after completing, at the BUPI counter, a form for instruction in the registration procedure for an omissive property (ANNEX I – PT only). Once the RGG has been controlled, you must go to the finance service, with the RGG, the instruction for the registration procedure for a missing property (ANNEX I – PT only), the application for registration of a lost property in the land register (ANNEX II – PT only) and the declaration of receipt by at least one of the neighboring owners. When assigned the land register article, you will have to return to the BUPi counter again to finish the RGG and promote the registration at the Land Registry Office.